Is there an online demonstration of Amber CIL Manager?
Self-guided and instructor-led demonstrations are available and you can be logged into our demo environment in a matter of minutes. If you are interested in experiencing the Amber CIL Manager first...
How can I pay for the Amber CIL Manager service?
You may pay for the service with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Diners Club accepted) or check.
Is Amber CIL Manager™ HIPAA compliant?
Absolutely. Amber CIL Manager implements all current standards including: secured, encrypted EDI implementing the ANSI 837 X12 specifications; transactional logging and auditing. Additionally, your...
Will it run on my system?
Probably. See the Requirements page for specifics.
Is my data safe?
Extremely. Your data is stored on a redundant array of hard drives (RAID) for immediate data security. A tape backup of your data is performed nightly and for even more security, your data is...
Can I file claims to any payer?
Yes. Gray Swan Software partners with Gateway EDI (or the clearinghouse of your choosing) for electronic claims submission. You may view their current payer list online. If needed, you can always...
How long does it take to get up and running?
Generally, you can begin entering claims the same day you sign up! The amount of time it takes to begin filing commercial claims electronically is about ten days from the day you enroll....
I really don't have to file my own claims?
Nope. Your claims will be automatically transmitted every night. You can always print or manually process claims that need special handling if desired.
How much will Amber CIL Manager cost?
Amber CIL Manager is offered as an online service and, as such, is billed on a monthly, per-consumer basis. Please visit the Pricing page for details and a list of additional time-saving services...